The Key To Love, is an enticing invitation to step into the viewpoint of Oneness. The book was received from the Beings Of Light, and is perfect for daily inspirational reading. The Beings Of Light have suggested that it be read together and aloud~ a transformative practice for couples, groups and individuals.
Step into your higher human potential and reveal your magnificence
Experience your True expanded Self Identity
Bring Light, which is True Healing to Humanity and the Earth.
Learn about Ascension, which is like graduation from the school of Earth.
The Key To Love opens the door to a Higher Life… a Heavenly Life by living as One on Earth… not only for your own upliftment but also for the very survival of humanity
34: Prayer Is Who You Already ArePrayer has been a way that humanity has moved forward through time. Seeking and searching for assistance, guidance, and in honoring that which cannot be seen as already right here, and REAL, will assist this coming Transformation. Being open to the opportunities that exist through our unseen Presence within all things, is a Higher Opportunity well worth pursuing. If in using this Higher Opportunity of Prayer, the chance to realize your Wholeness comes, all the better. Claiming this back office of Prayer as who you already are, and not as some distant beneficent God, will serve you well. You are that which answers your Prayer as surely as you are capable of creating through Prayer. Unity requires this close connection, there is no separation, and there is no separate individual, the One who prays is not different from the One who answers.
80: A Subtle and Important DistinctionIt is the work of many lifetimes to have a vision for oneself as the ONE, in Union with the Divine. Union with the Divine makes the entire force and purpose of the Universe yours as well, where the manifest destiny of the entire human race is yours too. Where the vision of the return to One by the many, is your goal and responsibility to envision, create, support and enact.
A Higher Order Not A Hierarchy of the Present OrderIt is not your choice right now to be in a separate body as you are right now. This expression of "SELF within the many" is something that comes of a Higher Order, not of a hierarchy within the present order. This is a subtle but profoundly important distinction, for the wariness of the human species to a hierarchy of subjugation is far different than the profound attraction to a Higher Order of Being in human form and body.
A Higher Order Not A Hierarchy of the Present OrderIt is not your choice right now to be in a separate body as you are right now. This expression of "SELF within the many" is something that comes of a Higher Order, not of a hierarchy within the present order. This is a subtle but profoundly important distinction, for the wariness of the human species to a hierarchy of subjugation is far different than the profound attraction to a Higher Order of Being in human form and body.
"I really love The Key To Love, it is very inspirational. The Beings of Light are always so focused on the goal. The complete focus on ONENESS helps me to see beyond my doubts and feel like the path is there even when I am not seeing it. I feel like I have had a breakthrough, my consciousness has been changed. Thank You!" ~ Clay
"Hope’s transmission is so fertile, accessible and inviting, even enticing. The wisdom has penetrated me through a morning practice of reading a few pages at a time (I am on my third pass!). I feel the sacredness, with an urgency for me to interpret and assimilate the teachings into my own conception of the universe emerging into love." - Ruven
"This book is experiential, and thus it has a deep transformative quality and ability, I can feel it on a frequency level, it goes right to the core. Almost as if God's energy came down and is standing on Earth with us, creating ripples to transform the whole world." – Jody
"I've been reading the book from the beginning and now I'm on page 37 chapter 4 "Who You Are Complete With Human Life". I read page 50 "The New Earth Needs You", I really like it. I like the whole book it's exactly what I had asked for in prayer." – Liz