I. A Great Transformation is Occurring … It is not a transformation from… a world hunkered down, locked down, separated and masked… to a world freshly immunized… and then simply back to how it was before.
The transformation we are facing is larger than that, it is a leap in frequency and consciousness for the Earth and humanity, to a new vibrational frequency and level of being.

It is here helping us to evolve and change and even force us to make better choices for all humanity and ourselves and the Earth. Whatever we choose and create matters, and will be our new world.
In the grand timeline of human evolution, we are at the threshold of the next step forward, where we will be able to actually embody the bigger and wiser parts of ourselves including our Pure Love infinite multidimensional self. The Earth and humanity are becoming a planet of and beings of… Love and connection.
We are limitless multidimensional beings; we have the capacity to live from our inherent limitlessness and abundance, instead of from limitation and lack. And now is the time for this to happen! No more dress rehearsals, not “some day”… Now!

Our family and career identities in the world, are not who we truly are. We are really Light and Pure Love, and if we shift from identifying with our body and its roles… to instead identifying ourselves with the Light and the Pure Love that is our truer essence, we can make better use of this global transformation and shift in frequency. This shift is allowing our multidimensional Pure Love self, to incorporate into our denser physical bodies here on Earth. In order for this to occur, we need to make some space for it. Shedding our denser patterns does this. Our multidimensional self, or our true self, has always been here, it has always been who we are, but was often out of reach due to our lower frequency… until now.
The collective halt, full stop and stay at home rest, that Covid has given many of us, has amazingly helped us to take stock of our situation. We have been given the necessary time to contemplate and reevaluate our world and how we really want it to be. This is extraordinarily hopeful!
II. We are at a crucial point of choice on Earth, and if we continue to choose fear over love, war over peace, and separation over togetherness, then the future will be more of the same. And the truth is, at a frequency level,that kind of fear-based world no longer exists… we as a humanity have already shifted to the new frequency. The lower frequency of those lesser choices that we created in the past, simply doesn’t match our world any more. Energy comes before matter, and the outer demonstration of those darker frequencies, is yesterday’s energy creating today’s physical problems. It is just a matter of time before the newer lighter frequencies take hold and manifest in our hearts and in our world more widely. Being aware of this will help speed the process.
This is a tender time, when we need to take action to manifest a higher vision for ourselves and the world, by making decisions from our core center and deeper knowing, and then connecting with each other to create what we envision. We can change the world as our better choices radiate outward, and as those better choices lead to even better choices.
Living from our inner Source, our connection to Nature, our fearlessness and from the Pure Love that is naturally at the core and center of our being and Universe, we are a powerful force. This is when magic happens!
III. The creation of a world without war, famine, sickness and hatred is up to us. Earth could be a place where we consider all beings as our greater family. With this magnificent global transformation, we have been given an open door to making this happen.

It is now our chance and choice to act with courage, wisdom, and discernment, in the quest to uplift and make the world better for all. We have a responsibility to the future generations of life on this Earth, to hand over a planet based in love, with liberty and justice for all.
How can we do this? By staying true to what we know is right in our hearts and by creating the world anew, with a new mindset of Love and inner vision, cultivated by our connection with our Source Connection*… not just by patching together or recreating the old world.
We are creator beings… limitless, infinite and powerful, and yet, because we don’t realize it fully and are unaware of what is happening, we are like a delicious blueberry pie just out of the oven, cooling on the window sill, with a hungry bear walking by… we are hapless and vulnerable.

Our magnificent bodies and minds are then free for the taking. The problem is that most people don’t even know that these seemingly innate qualities and traits are even take-able. Technology has made this kind of control and thievery possible!
How? Technology is far more advanced in our world than most of us are aware of. The advanced technologies, can interface and interfere with our biology, capture our attention, plant thoughts in our heads and then harness our natural energy flow for its own ends. It can over-take our will, our thoughts, and ultimately our life, if we are not careful to make our purity, our sovereignty and this Earth, our priorities. Essentially this time is a time of unhooking from that system, and reconnecting with our True Self. We can do this by monitoring our frequency, paying attention to where we are getting our information from, and who we are listening to … and by having the discernment to know if they are motivated by fear, polarity and limitation? Or by Love.
IV. A wise guide is a priceless gift in challenging times. When my father went off to World War II, leaving high school at age 18, he landed in a war zone in Luxembourg or France. Thankfully, a seasoned Sergeant taught the new recruits the ways to survive, and it made all the difference. My father came home safely. When he shared this story years later, tears would come to his eyes, he was so grateful for the guidance and the support.
I have come across such a guide in Jacqueline Hobbs PhD., or Oracle Girl as she is called. www.OracleGirl.org. She is uniquely suited to help guide us in this transformational scenario that we are currently in, because she has the wisdom, vision and insight to know how to sidestep technology’s negative aspects, navigate the transformational process, and help us to purify our patterns. She understands the larger picture concerning how our current choices can lead us to freedom, wellbeing and sovereignty and a much more heavenly kind of Earth partnered with the practical wisdom of knowing what pitfalls we must look out for. Jacqueline points out the crucial importance of Purification. Purification of our “slave self” patterns helps us to reconnect with our own Source Connection, which in some ways is a re-entry into nature and the natural web of life on Earth. If we are to continue to live and survive on Earth, we need to accept the Earth and nature’s ways as our own. Jacqueline’s Purification Space helps us to do this.

V. Our Source Connection*Our own Source Connection can guide us through these difficult times, like that Sergeant who helped my father survive.
Our Source Connection is found in the still, deep, quiet within us, inside our very own bodies, not on our cell phones, our computers, or the nightly news.
It’s the wiring in our bodies that connects us to this Universe and embeds us in its natural order; the same way a sailboat is part of nature’s wind and sea.

Inspiration doesn’t have to be far reaching, or about saving the world, we just need to do the most amazing and thorough job of being ourselves. Our Source Connection’s effect is real, vibrant and vital. It is juicy, joyful, demanding, challenging and can also be scary. It is Life (with a capital L).
We feel more at ease, alive, aligned and in flow with our life, when we are fully in our bodies and feel our Source Connection. Source Connection also leads us out of our comfort zone, with inspiration and grace, in a way that we know is necessary and right, in order to make Pure Love our ruling power. We are unique and perfect for whatever role we are here to play.

I think of my Source Connection as being like home… pure alignment, no tension, no friction, peace and Pure Love.
Our Source Connection helps us to discover and reveal our passions. It is simply us being ourselves… uncensored, caring, connected and aligned. A rare and amazing time is dawning here on Earth. With the new Purity frequency being here now, it allows for the full embodied expression of who we Truly Are. Ahhhh finally!
VI. Counter the Disempowerment. Our Source Connection can be overshadowed by things introduced into our bodies like swabs, shots, false ideas, unnecessary limitations in movement … and things that ultimately endanger our constitutional freedoms, our sovereignty and our self-responsibility. These all serve to disempower, thwart, control, and dehumanize us. Increasing surveillance and limitations in work, worship, travel and schooling, are polarizing, separating and controlling us and separating us from our own Source Connection, especially if we are unaware of our Source Connection and its value to us. The media and officials of all sorts, offer explanation and declarations on how to be safe; we listen and follow blindly when we don’t realize that our own perfect inner compass is within our body itself.
External systems and “experts” who tell us what to do with our body, ought to be secondary to the guidance of our own Source Connection.
Why not trust our body’s own innate healing ability? Our body is a self-healing organism… allow it to do its work, free of introduced and questionable foreign materials sourced from fear.
It can help to take a break from the media and its external inputs to reconnect with our body and its Source Connection. The world will go on without our focus for a week, a month, or a year, while we take a break from the never-ending and chaotic media feast, that doesn’t have our best interest in mind or at heart.

Our Source Connection is like our best friend and the best possible news source we could ever have… it’s free, personalized, directly inside of us, always reliable, and has our best interest at heart… because it is the most essential part of our true identity within the body.
So, sit and be still;allow its quiet guidance andmake space for it in your day.

Following the crowd now is not a good idea.
Imagine our anguish and remorse if we were to look back upon this time, and see that forces wishing to promote fear and control… had snatched from us and from the generations to come… our freedoms, our free will, our health, and our beautiful future.

We will weather this predicament when each of us stands strong, and makes choices about what to do from our own inner knowing, and then takes action, dreaming and creating the future from Pure Love. Let’s start right now. Choosing Love for ourselves, our bodies, humanity, all living things, and Earth… Gaia.
VII. What will the legacy of our generation be?
This is our time to shine. We are not alone, we have each other, our own Source Connection and we are part of the vast loving Universe. Let’s step up powerfully into our role as Beings and Light and Love now, hold our frequency high, and create the new world of Love.
“Only when each and every being on this planet re-establishes their direct link with the Pure Love that is all consciousness, prime matter and infinite intelligence, will Earth finally know peace.” -Dr. Jacqueline Hobbs

May we all be blessed with love light freedom and joy in the birthing of our new world.
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* phrase above from Oracle Girl, Dr. Jacqueline Hobbs check her out for the Purification Space and recognition of your own Source Connection.