
    New Book Release


    Awakening to Our Collective True Nature as Love with Rays of Hope & Reasons to Prevail



    Balboa Press Bookstore


    Barnes and Noble 



    Bear Pond Books - Montpelier, VT

    Galaxy Bookshop - Hardwick, VT

    Phoenix Bookstore - Burlington, VT





    "Congratulations on a brilliant and useful book.

    LOVE’S NEW EARTH is coherent and comprehensive. It informs and empowers readers to act on the information.

    Kimberly and I are honored to be mentioned in the Rays of Hope and I am thrilled that you included the Declaration of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence. It’s getting more important each day."

    - Foster Gamble of Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? & Thrive II: This Is What It Takes


    "I received your book... I want to thank you for writing it, and for the reminder that Love is all around us and it is what we are made of. I love the reinforcing focus on the fact that we can - and must - create a New World."

    - Penny Kelly, Author of The Revival, Path To A New Earth/New Human, as well as 5 books on Consciousness and Teacher of Intuition and a Naturopath


    "If you would like to move from being primarily motivated by fear to being primarily motivated by love, and you desire to understand what genuine freedom feels like, this book will be a reliable guide...It will alleviate the tendency to want to bury your head in the sand so you won’t see how dire the world situation is."

    - John G. Root, Jr. Author of Freedom Justice Community

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    Audio Interview with Johnny Tan, June 2024



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    Interview with Loretta Brown, June 2024


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    On Fire for Life with Temple Hayes, video interview, 1 hour, May 2024


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    Interview with Jodi Powers, video, one hour, May 2024



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    Creating a New Earth with Stephanie James, audio, 45 minutes, April 2024


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    Interview with Lisa Shermerhorn, video, one hour, April 2024






    If you have a suggestion for a listing of an organization, business, person, idea or non-profit group to add to the ones that are listed in the book "Love's New Earth", please Contact Me


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    Short Film - "KINGDOM"

    An animated 12 minute film by Lubomir Arsov. Courageously waking up to our inner spark of Love and LIght.

    Yantra Farming, By harnessing the cosmic energies, it is possible to eliminate the use of fertilizers and pesticides. It is an ancient spiritual way of solving the current problems of farming and has the potential of bringing back the glory of the Earth. By inserting a Yantra device iin the soil, or even sand, plants can still grow well in an area of 100 meters, for 12 years. In the testing plots, growing Okra, the yield was 20% greater than convential farming. 1hr of the video is on the farming technique.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MjE--sAb_A

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    My spiritual journey began in the late 1980's when my sister gave me a copy of Betty J. Eadie's Embraced by the Light, a book about a near death experience, which opened me up to the possibility that there was more to life than meets the eye. Until that point, I had been an "I need to see it to believe it" kind of person. From that opening, I read over a hundred spiritual books, the most impactful of which was Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East series by Baird T. Spalding, a spiritual classic illustrating a higher possibility for human life. I was also struck deeply by Gary Renard's words in his audio book The Disappearance Of The Universe, when he said "the separation from God never occurred." I said to my companion at the time- “that is the highest teaching I have ever heard".


    After a channeled reading in 1998 said that I was a psychic and an artist, I began communicating with my spirit guides and painting. I call myself a translator of wisdom from other dimensions, and have written five books as a result: Love's new Earth, Awakening to Our Collective True Nature as Love (2024); The Key To Love, A Teaching from The Beings of Light for an Enlightened Reality of Earth (2016); Being The Miracle Of Love, Conversations With Jesus (2013); Be the Second Coming, Guidebook to the Embodiment of the Christ Within: a Personal Journey, Our Collective Destiny (2012), and Where the Wisdom Lies: A Message from Nature’s Small Creatures (2006). I have also recorded an audio CD, entitled Emotional Transformation: Learn to Speak the Language of Creation (2005). I am grateful to share these inspiring messages of non-duality and unconditional love.

    Some of my artwork, which I describe as "eco-spiritual modified landscapes", guided drawings and an illustration of the spiritual journey may be seen on this website.

    For a time, I also created The Healing Bed, a bed in the ground, a received design. I also did a weekly radio show with John Flowers called Voice For The Miracle in 2014 and 2015. Blessed with many wonderful teachers, I have studied Biogeometry with Dr. Ibrahim Karim, Hawaiian Temple Healing with Kahu Abraham Kawai’i, Lomi Lomi with Harry Uhane Jim, Isha Yoga with Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, The 13 Faces of the Divine Feminine with Ariel Spilsbury, The Evolutionary Life Transformation Program with Craig Hamilton, The Course in Miracles, and The Journeys of Profound Healing, Profound Awakening Profound Union and Enlightened Awareness with Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. And finally, Vedanta, which has been called the "knowledge to end the search for knowledge." with Ramji (James Swartz) and Swamiji Svatmananda. In the spring of 2020, I found Dr Jaqueline Hobbs "Oracle Girl" and the purification space.

    The higher frequency of the Earth, and this world situation that cannot be ignored are calling me and all of us to create anew. We are being asked to create a life of caring, connection, alignment, and Pure Love, in tandem with Mother Earth and with respect for Nature's principles. I am finding renewed purpose in growing food in my garden, and working towards self-sufficiency and greater independence from centrally controlled power structures.


    My birth name is Hope, my given name is Freedom. Given by my higher self, a reminder to me and to all of us, that we are free and powerful beings already and always.


    I hope the artwork, books, blogs, cd, and the Healing Bed on this website inspire more Love, awareness of our interconnectedness, and a deepler connection to the Earth... our host and sacred partner.


    I would love to share my paintings with others, if you have a space where they might be shown,

    contact me via the form below.

    Please reach just out to say “Hi". It's lovely to connect with others on this journey!


    Your email address will not be shared


    These resources have been invaluable to me, perhaps you will enjoy them too.





    Embodying more pure love on the planet. Purifying our own Source connection.

    Join the reboot group for essential information in these times of transformation.




    The knowledge to end the search for knowledge. Resources to aid you

    in your understanding of the non-dual awareness Self... i.e. who you/we truly are.




    Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptian Architect, founder of biogeometry, is an amazing resource for understanding sacred geometry and for empowered interaction with nature. Dr. Robert Gilbert of Vesica.org is an excellent teacher of Biogeometry and many other esoteric and scientific topics.